Sunday, April 24, 2011

It's all about Jesus!

Sunday brought the final day of a marathon of Easter activities for us! What fun! With each year, Charlie seems to be more and more into holidays! Case in point....Sunday morning about 4am, we hear a quite little "Daddy?" in the monitor (yes, he's four years old and we still have a baby monitor in his room) and within seconds we hear little footsteps down the stairs. Charlie has NEVER gotten out of bed on his own during the night, but with the anticipation of the Easter Bunny, I guess you get brave! He made it halfway down the stairs before Jason met him at the stairwell....far enough down that he can obviously see the Easter loot spread in the living room. "Daddy, look behind you!" The Easter Bunny was cold busted! As Jason was getting him back in bed, Charlie looked up at him and said, "Daddy, make sure you tell Momma about what the Easter Bunny brought!" I guess we learned that from now on, we better shut the baby gate at the top of the stairs before a big night!

Later that morning, after finding all the eggs, opening both his Easter basket and graciously offering to open his little brother's basket as well, we were getting ready for church. In the hustle of trying to get out the door, Charlie was complaining about not getting to finish his cartoon. Jason turned around and said "Charlie, what is Easter all about?" Without a moment of hesitation, Charlie answered "Jesus!" Jason and I made eye contact and we were both thinking the same proud we were that even after all the eggs hunts, Easter cookies, and baskets busting at the seams with new toys and gadgets, he still gets IT!

I leave you with a few shots from the weekend of festivities....Happy Easter to all of you!

 Easter Egg Hunt at the Walters house
 My cute little bunnies!

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