Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Little Lesson in Economics

So, the other night, we had to run into Wal-Mart to grab a couple of things. While we were there, we of course have to make a run through the toy department to allow Charlie to pa ruse the aisles for all of his new favorites! As we were headed to the check-out, we ran into my grandmother as she was finishing up her shift at work there. We chatted for a few minutes and then she hands Charlie a $10 bill for him to go back to the toy department and pick something out for himself. He was beyond thrilled since Jason and I had decided against a treat this time, because we had a treat planned for later in the week that he didn't know about. Its such a big decision for a 4 year old! What to do....what to do!! After a few minutes we had talked him into something so that we could finally get out of there! Charlie pulls the toy off the shelf and proceeds to place his $10 bill back in the empty space and turns to walk away! As far as he was concerned, the transaction was complete and we could leave! It was so cute! We, of course picked the money up and explained to Charlie that he had to go to the registers and pay for the item there. So, if you ever see us in the store, you might want to check behind may find a little something special!!

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