Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A few of my Favorite Things....about Spring!

Every season brings with it it's own happiness! Spring is one of my favorite seasons....the other being fall, of course! There is just something so fresh about spring! I think its because we've been cooped up in the house for so long that it feels good to be outside again and breathing in the fresh air! That's the nice part of living on the farm. It's no secret that I've struggled with living on the farm. While it is so peaceful and relaxed, I struggle with being so far out! So far from everything....grocery store, school, church, friends...you name it and we drive for it! It's been almost 9 years now and I'm still not used to it. But this time of year, it doesn't seem to be quite so difficult to accept, and part of it is because of our time outside...enjoying the land and fresh air, watching Charlie run until his little legs can't go anymore! A few of my favorite parts of living on the farm in the spring:
  • New leaves on the trees around our house...its the freshest shade of green you've ever seen. It only lasts for a week or so before the shade darkens, but it is absolutely beautiful! And it's amazing to literally watch the leaves grow in overnight!
  • Hanging baskets of flowers on my porch. I love looking out my kitchen window to see hanging baskets full of geraniums, sweet potato vine, and petunias!
  • The birds! I love watching the birds all over my yard!
  • The hot afternoons, and cool nights!
  • Waking up early in the morning and looking out the window to see a momma cow and her fresh new calf in the front pasture!
  • And my all time favorite thing about spring....our evening walks! 
The weather is so nice this time of year, that I try hard to have supper ready as soon as Jason gets home from work, so that we can eat supper and then dash out the door without touching a dish to play until bedtime!  We've been having our evening walks since Charlie was born. It makes me feel like such a family to leisurely walk down the driveway, discussing the day with Jason, while Charlie runs ahead of us and yells back to us about whatever happens to pop into his head. And this year, we get to push the stroller with sweet Gus and think about next year, when he will be running right behind Charlie...trying his best to keep up! Yes, I may have my issues with living so far out, but this is home and it holds our memories!

 Part of our property is farmed by a local farmer. For the last few months, they have been growing hay, and they finally came last week to cut and bale it. A few days later, they came back to disk the field. So now, we have about 7 acres of fresh dirt....life doesn't get much better for a four year old boy!

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