Thursday, May 19, 2011

So Long....Farewell.....

This time of year always gets me! Way back when, there was popular song..."Friends are Friends Forever". It's a terribly sappy song, but I have found myself more than once humming it in my head the past few days. Part of what made me think of it is they sang a song with the same title at Charlie's end of the year school program, but it was definitely not the same song! Graduations and end of the year programs are SO bittersweet for me! It's the end of a chapter, and I have always had a hard time dealing with that and it's just magnified now that I have my own children!

The school year is wrapping up! When I picked Charlie up from school today, the walls were bare and it smelled of cleaning supplies in the hallway. There were all of the nap mats lined up in the hall with backpacks, lunch boxes and the last few art projects completed from last week.  I wanted to tear up just thinking about it. And then, when I got to his room, he handed me his name tag that had been on the wall all year. He was so excited to bring it home. And all I could think about was that the year was over and it had been such a great year! Charlie became a big brother this year, he turned 4 years old, and he has grown so much! It's just hard for me to think that this time next year, we will be registering him for Kindergarten.

Another reason this has been so bittersweet for me is that Charlie has had the most wonderful teacher this year. Mrs. Kim has taken all of the kids in and treated them just as if they were one of her own! She has gone above and beyond to make this a great year for them and boy, has she succeeded!

So, yes, I will be a little weepy Friday as I make that drive to school, but in reality, I am happy! I am happy that my boy is so happy and that we have found the right place for us. I am happy that he is so loved my the teacher and helpers that have taken care of him this year. I am happy that he is thriving and learning new things everyday! I look forward to the start of a new year and am already praying for the teacher that will have him next more year there before he starts "5 year old school" as he calls it.

For now, I'm just going to soak up every moment I have with both of my boys!

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