We celebrated this Memorial Day with a vacation at home....no cleaning, no cooking, no chores! It was the best we could come up with since we waited too late to make any real plans. Usually it takes us leaving the house to actually relax, but this time we stuck to our guns! Jason took an extra day off, so we had four whole days of uninterrupted family time. That hasn't happened in quite awhile! We did manage to pack in a few activities during our weekend; lots of swimming, lots of eating out, and a little boat ride to top it off!
We also took a little walk around the boat launch at the old Wolf Bay Lodge after finishing our supper at the new Wolf Bay Lodge. While we were eating, Gus decided to make his presence known to the entire restaurant. He wasn't mad or upset, he just kept squealing at the top of his lungs! I tried everything to keep him quite, but he wasn't having any part of it! At least we dressed both of the boys really cute, so that people that it was more charming than annoying!
We pretended to be tourists for a few hours on Saturday and hop on a dolphin cruise boat. This wasn't our first time to go, but it was the first time for both boys. We were a little worried about taking Gus, but he seemed to enjoy it too! He just sat back and enjoyed the ride...even coming close to falling asleep once. Charlie on the other hand was not going to let anything get past him! He watched the boat captain for quite awhile, questioning every move he made. But once we got out into open waters, he was busy keeping an eye out for pirates....he was pretty sure he had found a pirate ship before it was all over. His new favorite cartoon is "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" hence the pirate fascination! But once the dolphins started jumping, he was all about it! The look on his face when the first one popped out of the water was priceless! All in all, it was a great first experience for him and one that we will probably hit again before the end of the summer!
Sunday afternoon, Charlie went to play with Bella at Nonny's house and Mommy, Daddy and Gus spent the afternoon napping....for three hours! I haven't had a nap that long in I don't know when! And Monday, we did break the rules and cooked out at the house....burgers, corn on the cob, watermelon, and Charlie's favorite, mac and cheese! Delicious!
Oh, and I almost forgot the biggest event of the weekend....the grand opening of the new Krispy Kreme in Foley! You would have thought it was a five star gourmet restaurant opening with all the hype! People were lined up around the building to get their first hot KK! We managed to wait a few days to make our first trip, but it was well worth the wait! Charlie thought it was the greatest place on earth! It didn't hurt that we ran into his good buddy Caiden from school. These two made quite the scene!
I also want to say THANK YOU to all of the military men and women who are serving or have served our country. Without your sacrifice, we would not be able to enjoy our family time like we do. Also, thank you to the family members that sacrifice time with their loved ones. This year, we have become good friends with a family who has made this sacrifice. Thank you to Jeremy Collins for your service to our country, and his wife Elizabeth, and their precious twin boys, Hayden and Gavin!
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